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Category: mezcal

Mexico Trip - Oaxaca

This summer I decided to take a trip to Mexico with some friends. It was not your average MX trip either! We were going for the Gueleguetza festival in Oaxaca. This is the interior of the country and contains a rich culture. I had always known Oaxaca for the many agave that grow in the region, and being a center for Mezcal production. However after some initial research, I found the area to be very physically active and even boasts some of the top performing athletes including trail running.

Mexico Trip - Part 2 CDMX

Arrival in CDMX My first day in CDMX was with our group and we planned a breakfast and a time to explore a mercado called Mercado de Artisinal. We were staying in the Condesa area near Chapultepec, which seems to be more of a classy part of the city but it is divided by large boulevards with nice trees and paths. My friends and I were headed towards El Centro, where the Artisinal market was.