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JenkinsX on Kubernetes Cluster-API

JenkinsX is the next iteration of the Jenkins CI engine that is geared towards a cloud-native kubernetes setting. Instead of the more broad approach taken previously, JenkinsX focuses on Kubernetes native continuous-integration by relying on an engine Tekton to define its jobs and pipelines inside of kubernetes.

Cluster-API AWS

I’m using CAPA Cluster-API provider for AWS as my workload Kubernetes cluster. I manage this cluster locally with a control plane defined using Kind.

My workload CAPA cluster is configured with Contour Ingress and a wildcard * domain that points to the Envoy load balancer. This will be relevant when setting up JenkinsX Ingress because JenkinsX uses Nginx by default, which will need to be disabled.

Likewise with Contour, I have already installed upstream Tekton via the upstream installation docs. This means the bundled install of Tekton with JenkinsX will also be disabled later in this guide. Both these decisions are due to personal preference and to test integration and flexibility with existing installations of ClusterAPI.

Install JenkinsX via JXL

JenkinsX development is in-flux and in order to fully support necessary components such as Helm v3. JenkinsX has a bleeding-edge baseline called JenkinsX Labs, or JXL. This is a separate binary released independantly of JX. I have found out that installing JXL bundles its own JX runtime inside. Therefore, if you are installing both, they will exist independently.

The first step is to fetch JXL from the Labs release page. Again, this is activly developed, so your mileage may vary. I always grab the latest release. Untar the binary and drop it into ~/bin or wherever you drop userland binaries.

Git Repositories

JenkinsX relies on version control to store not only application code, but also release and installation information for JenkinsX itself. Therefore, it is necessary to have an accessible git repository available for JenkinsX. I use GitHub.

First, it is necessary to create a clone of the JenkinsX version repository. This contains all the dependencies and their versions that are tested and required for JenkinsX to function. It is recommended to clone this repo because not environments will fall under the specified compatibility matrix. I am running kubectl v1.17.4 which is newer than the upper limit of v1.17.0 required at the time of writing.

  1. Create a github repository called jenkins-x-versions

  2. Clone the upstream repository locally

    git clone
  3. Create a new upstream remote and for merging.

    git remote remove origin
    git remote add origin<USERNAME>/jenkins-x-versions
    git remote add upstream
  4. Fetch upstream

    git pull upstream master
  5. Make any modifications to the versions. I updated the upperLimit of packages/kubectl.yml to something greater.

    version: 1.13.2
    upperLimit: 1.17.4

A second repository will be created for JenkinsX to use for your environment, but this will be done automatically with a robot account.

Git Robot Account

As mentioned, a robot account is required for JenkinsX to manage its baseline. In Github, this account can simply be an API token associated with a user. This is how JenkinsX will maintain the state of your CI environment. It uses Helm charts to define all its components.

For my testing purpose, I will associate an API token with my regular github account. Normally you would create a separate robot account but it is only possible with GitHub enterprise.

  1. Log into GitHub
  2. Select Personal Access Tokens
  3. Create a token called jenkinsx with the permissions: delete_repo, read:org, read:user, repo, user:email, write:repo_hook

Start JenkinsX Install

JenkinsX install is initiated with the a boot. This boots the repository up and generates the manifests associated with the environment.

  1. 1
    jxl boot create --version-stream-url --domain
  2. Select the kubernetes provider
  3. Cluster name. I call mine capi-quickstart to match the name used by the management cluster.
  4. Git owner name will be the GitHub user ID. Mine is bagnaram
  5. Comma separated git provider usernames. Here I also use bagnaram since I am only testing with a single user.
  6. Confirm and if it asks you to upgrade the jx version, decline. The version bundled with jxl is adequate.
  7. Confirm the git server, organization, and repository name. JenkinsX will create a repository called environment-capi-quickstart-dev because we named the cluster capi-quickstart This repository doesn’t exist so when JenkinsX will prompt you to log into GitHub in order to create the repository.
    ? git server for the new git repository:
    ? git owner (user/organization) for the new git repository: bagnaram
    ? git repository name: environment-capi-quickstart-dev
    checking git repository bagnaram/environment-capi-quickstart-dev exists on server
    repository already exists at
    pushed code to the repository
    to boot your cluster run the following commands:
    jxl boot secrets edit --git-url
    jxl boot run --git-url

When the steps complete, Jenkins will provide two commands that are necessary to finalize and deploy the installation. Run the following command to provision a secret that JenkinsX will use for GitHub.

jxl boot secrets edit --git-url
  1. The default Jenkins admin username can be used.
  2. Enter a secure admin password
  3. Pipeline bot Git username will be bagnaram for this example, because it uses the same github user.
  4. Pipeline bot Git email address will be linked to an email address associated with that Git user.
  5. Pipeline bot Git token will contain the token that was provisioned earler in the GitHub settings. You can also get an explanation by entering ? in the prompt. Enter the token and confirm.

Disable Bundled Nginx and Tekton

As mentioned earlier, JenkinsX bundles its own Helm-based installation of the Nginx Ingress controller, and Tekton. I decided to supply my own installation of both of these, so it needs to be disabled from the JenkinsX deployment manifest. The jx-apps.yml file inside the JenkinsX environment repo contains the list of Helm apps to deploy.

  1. Check out the environment-capi-quickstart-dev repo and modify the jx-apps.yml to remove the nginx-ingress and tekton lines. It should be modified as follows:


  • name: jenkins-x/jxboot-helmfile-resources
  • name: jenkins-x/nexus
  • name: jenkins-x/lighthouse
  • name: jenkins-x/chartmuseum
  • name: jenkins-x/jxui
  • name: repositories repository: “..”
2. Save & Commit the file.

## Deploy JenkinsX
Jxl includes a `boot run` command which runs the Helm deploy against the environment repository. Simply run the command that was supplied at the end of the `boot create`.
jxl boot run --git-url

Expose Jenkins UI

Create the following HTTP Proxy resource. HttpProxy objects are similar to exposed Ingress routes, but allow for more fine-grained control over specific paths and http options. The JenkinsX UI uses WebSockets for populating front-end content which are not supported by plain Ingress in Contour. This is because http issues an upgrade request when WebSocket traffic initiates, following a different protocol. HttpProxy supports WebSockets.

kind: HTTPProxy
  name: ui
  namespace: jx
  - conditions:
    - prefix: /
    enableWebsockets: true
      strategy: Cookie
    - name: jxui
      port: 80

If everything binds appropriately the HttpProxy object should produce a valid status.

archlinux% kubectl get httpproxy
nexus                valid    valid HTTPProxy

Testing locally

In my environment, I mentioned setting up an domain on AWS. This Route53 domain is local to the VPC that CAPA is installed to. I don’t want to pay for a public top-level domain so I resolve this domain locally to the VPC. This means that records can only be resolved by machines inside this VPC, or pointing to Amazon’s DNS server. However we have an option to tunnel all local traffic through a bastion that lives inside that VPC. This is done using a SOCKS proxy. This is extremely useful, because it can also proxy DNS requests.

Set up a SOCKS proxy locally:

ssh -D 1337 -q -C -N -i ~/mbagnara-key.pem

This essentially sets up an HTTP proxy locally on in which we can route requests through. For more information, please refer to

Configure your browser to use this proxy and be sure to enable the Proxy DNS option. JenkinsX UI